Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Not sure if its a steering tie rod end or a wheel bearing?

i have a 2000 jeep cherokee sport, when going down the road above 50 but below 60 i have a very bad vibration which the steering wheel wobbles alot and the front end of the jeep shakes like if i was to move the steering wheel side to side very fast. Also every time i turn the wheel any direction while moving i can hear clicking from the front.

I use to like eminem a lot,,,, but now i hate himmmmm!!!!?

eminem was always just okay to me his style can get annoying real quick and hes to goofy on alot of his **** but now hes a little better more serious and to the point.

What song is this? she loves me, she loves me not, she adores me. NOT papa roach?

It goes "she loves me, she loves me not, she adores me..." Its not papa roach. It sounds like a pop or techno song. Its a guy singing and he sounds a bit like bruno mars

A question for the ladies..?

would your guy rather see you wearing a dominatrix type outfit, complete with 5 inch black platform heels, fishnet stockings with a garter, and a leather bustier OR a Catholic schoolgirl outfit, complete with a plaid miniskirt, white button down top tied at the waist, thigh high socks and her hair in pigtails?

Phsycological disorder with the one girl?

you should tell him hes acting a lil nutty about this check i think hes a little crazy be careful with him he might think you want his girl....someone let coco out of the clock

How do I get out of this relationship?

it seems you are being used. there may be interest in the relationship there but at this point is 70/30. 70 being the housing convenience. give her a deadline. this way it serves to light a fire under her *** and make some money AND if she fails to meet the deadline then its her failure and not yours. something like 3 - 6 months TOPS. you may not in a place to afford keeping her afloat as well as yourself so she will be a drain on you and the relationship. if she doesn't accept your terms, you have your answer. do it in a concerned and caring but stern way. do not waver. this is your decision, no negotiations about it.

Whatever Happened To Metal Music?

By the end of 1980 Led Zeppelin had broken up after John Bonham's death and Ozzy Osbourne had left Black Sabbath which was tantamount to that band breaking up so....that was the end of metal.

What do I do my husband is addicted to dinning out? ?

I know this sounds like a joke question. But im dead serious My husband likes to drink so part of it is for coctails. He takes my kids and when im home out at least once a day if not 3 times At first i was discusted and even though I still hate it I go. Ive just broken down about it over the yrs. My children always get vegtables and i offer them fruit at home. Despite this I know there is a lot of hidden butter in restaurant food Both my girls 10 and 5 are slim and my husband. Ive gained 35 lbs in a yr! Plus i know were spending close to 1,000 a month. He uses every excuse hates my cooking We have roaches so wont eat at home. I had orkin solve the problem still doesnt eat at home. Im soooooo sick of this its bs for so many reasons. And my kids are totally spoiled please help

Rich on $150,000? Yes or no the new rich ?

seems to be a debate on who is rich is it more about , how much debt you are in etc the mor you earn the bigger the debt ,so every bit counts rich or poor

What should i do if im on the phone with my boyfriend and he is fighting with his friend?

What should i do if im on the phone with my boyfriend and he is fighting with his friend saying that he can get mor girls numbers than him . and his friend says that he should say all the things he says about me behind my back . the thing that hurt me is when he said he could get more girls numbers . please help me ASAP. Should i dump him ?

How to get rid of a water bug (Oriental Roach)?

One came inter my room and now it keeps hiding and I can't find it or kill it. There's a certain spot it's found now that I can't find. By waterbug I mean those big glossy black ones. I don't feel safe to do anything until I can get rid of it but I can't even find it now. I don't want this to grow into a problem. Any help?

I think I have cockroaches?

About a week ago i was in the shower and saw a shadow of a bug on the shower curtain. turns out it was a cockroach. ive been looking up pictures of the different kinds and i believe it's an oriental. its brown and the wings are shiny. i also noticed some sort of bug on the kitchen floor that i have never seen before. the only way i can describe it is that the body looks like a spider and the top part resembles a crab. could these be baby roaches? it's freaking me out because i found another one of these bugs in my kittens' litter box. i also found a roach in the litter box a few days ago. we got the kittens about a week ago, when i first discovered the roaches. is there any way the kittens we got could have carried baby roaches into my house on them? we got the kittens from a dirty house and we're trying to rid them of fleas. our house however is very clean which is why i'm so frustrated with this recent bug problem. i know roaches do not need a dirty place in order to live. also, last winter i found the same kind of roach crawling on my kitchen wall. after we killed it, we did not see anymore until this time around. any information is helpful, thank you.

Bisexual and in love with my best friend? 10 points?

hmmm... answers like this aren't my forte, but I'll suggest what I can. If you're going swimming, suggesting skinny dipping would be a good idea and then see where it goes from there. Also, you could kinda "ambush" her in the middle of the night and gauge her reactions to whatever you do. I'm not an expert on things like this, but good luck.

Do you want to hear my thoughts from previous questions answers?

Bumble bee we had roaches when we moved here. Orkin has fixed the problem. And yes i know how to cook My husband is hispanic and says he doesnt like southern country food MY ANSWER YOUR IN AMERICA BABY! anyways your other remark he feels stuck My husband is not a whimp or codependant he knows where the door is Ive told him several times. After all he is fighting for our country he knows how to get away from me lol Im not keeping him here at gun point. Geesh sorry your so down on me. But you should go look in the mirror at yourself im sure your not perfect. And by the way i had 5 abdominal surgeries one to repair my colon which came out during labor! This might have something to do with my weight gain bumble bee . Let me guess your goodlooking and slim Well what would you do if you got in a horrible car accident tmaro and were disfigured? Beauty and weight isnt everything in life. I will get old and grey and would like to know my husband loves me for me Like i said i could loose the weight be barbie Then get disfigured in an accident in your world he should divorce me right??? I feel sorry for you

Weight issues.. some one help?

im thirteen, and.. i weight 7.12 stone. i dont know how tall i am, but about 5.5ft. my friends tell me im not fat. and i dont generally think i am, but i eat alot. but ive got a different metabilism. and i dont really put on any weight. but ive recently put on abit i think, im so self-concious about it.. and i even tie belts around my belly tightly so i dont look or feel fat. am i wrong? can someone one tell me if im fat?

Should I get my deposit back?

I moved into my apartment July of 2010 and when I moved in my apartment was suppose to be fixed and "ready to move in". It of course was not! The carpet was dirty and filled with stains even tho they claimed to shampoo it 2 times! The paint job was awful with marker and crayon markings. The shower was not finished being remodeled and the counter tops had stains and what looks like some kind of glue stuck on them. Wrong size air conditioner, which they tried to lie and say they replaced it with the right one but all they did was put a plastic border around it to make it look bigger. The kitchen floor alumium was tearing and peeling up...Then of course ROACHES! Which I had no idea about until the night I came home and there was a WAVE of them! All these problems were promised to be fixed but never were! My apartments have had...4 or 5 different apartment managers since last July and. Believe 2 different companies trying to run it....Sad thing there is MORE....Do I have the right to get my deposit back???

GIRLS: Should a guy get blond streaks?

I'm a guy in my mid-20s with really dark hair. I was watching an old Papa Roach video on MTV2 and I thought the guy with the blond streaks really looked like me (but without the blond streaks!)! I'm not trying to get confused with him or anything but it looked cool. Do you think it would get attention?

A question on submarine maneuvering.?

i recently saw the movie "DOWN PERISCOPE"(a comedy movie based on submarine), in that the hero ties to hide from the enemy SONAR by moving UNDER A GIANT TANKER SHIP and succeds, is it possible( hiding under other ships) in real life circumstances.

How can a police officer pull you over for loud exhaust?

i was coming home at approx. 1215 AM and i turned on a road where theres a park and ride at the corner..a cop just happened to be sitting there. he had his lights on and was investigating another vehicle sitting there. as i turned on the road i saw the cop heading back to his cruiser...i made it another 1/2 mile and saw headlights pull out of the park and ride and heading my way..i was almost to my buddies house, but i missed the driveway( it was dark, raining and in the middle of the night) so i pulled off in the next driveway but did not pull all the way in, just far enough so i could turn around..well then im sitting there waiting for the car that was coming to pass...but it happened to be the cop, and as i just sat there, he pulls over and turns his blues on...he comes to the car and does his the process he asked me if i had an exhaust leak..i said no and that less then 8 hrs prior to this my car was in the shop taking an inspection sticker...i needed exhaust work to take a sticker...i got it fixed and got the sticker...anyway that didnt seem to phase him...he looked by my shifter and saw a roach...he went back to his car for a few moments and returned...he said he needed to do a vehicle search, so he did( as far as i knew, two cops should be present during a vehicle search..well there was only one. but he was a sheriff so i dont know if that makes a difference) anyway he searched and found my stuff.. he then takes the time to write the summon's up, at that time the second sheriff pulled up. he came back had me sign them.. then he has me do a soberiety test...where he made me do one was on a hill, and the road had tons of uneven and cracked spots..after he says im going to be arrested b/c he was under the assumtion i was under the influence. my friend i had with me walked back to his house as i was heading to the police station. my main defense i think is the fact he pulled me over for my exhaust being to loud, but in fact wasnt to loud seeing how if it was, dont you think i wouldnt have been able to get my inspection done? so please read through this, let me know if anything the cop did was lawful/unlawful and if i may have a good chance when fighting this. thank you!!

Whats the best way to pull tooths?

Mah lil' flower got her tha gingervirus, and I was wonderin how I shood pull them tooths out. I member when I got me the virus, my paw got me a good old fashioned horse tweezer to yank em out myself. But I know now about all this new, fancy shmancy, new aged stuff, so, is ther any way I can pull her tooths out with anythin a bit mor madern?

I found two roaches in my house, do I have an infestation?

I saw a roach in my garage on my way to a party this past night and my Dad killed one in his office a few hours later. I don't know if it was the same one or not (tried to run over it, but I was backing out with a Sequoia, hard to be accurate with that :)), but does this mean that I could have an infestation in my house? We're a pretty clean family and the roaches were pretty big, probably adults.We leave the door open when we bring in groceries (Yes, I know they can come with fresh produce), but I guess that wouldn't make a difference if they are cockroaches with their ridiculously annoying ability to flatten themselves. I digress, anyone know?

How dirty can a house be when you do the following?:?

After reading your questions I recommend that you see a therapist to help you deal with your issues. If you cannot afford one, you should go to your local county courthouse to get help from a social worker. A social worker can help you get a place to live and free mental health care.

Can i sue my landlord for roaches in my apt?

No, but you can request that he get an exterminator in to eradicate them and if he fails to hire an exterminator, complain to the health department (technically, you can sue for anything, but the odds of winning are low unless you have asked for relief and then gone the next step)

Where to buy extra large sleeping bags and rope?

I lead a local scout group and we are going camping this weekend in a remote region of the Ozark Mountains. So remote in fact, if someone was to scream bloody murder (hypothetically of course), no one would hear them! I was wondering how I was going to watch over 6 young boys all by myself, and then it hit me! I will just buy an extra large sleeping bag so at night I don't have to worry about the boys wondering off. Also, it will keep us extra warm. If they don't make extra large sleeping bags though, I'm sure we could squeeze into a normal size one. Oh, and also, where can I buy rope? Im looking for very strong rope. The kind of rope you would use to tie someone up with if you had too (again, hypothetically speaking).

What does it mean? Weird dreams!?

OK I'm not a pro at this, but I'll give you my analysis. First of all, this "heroic monstrous being" seems like some sort of mythological god, the fact that he is standing on the end of a cliff surveying the world gives him some sort of "guard" or "watcher" quality. I'm assuming the "innocent boy" represents you, or at least a decent part of your personality. Often in dreams our subconscious mind will express repressed thoughts, desires, or emotions we may experience during our waking hours. This innocent boy couldn't resist the temptation of these 3 girls/women, to me this says clearly that you're denying certain emotions (possibly sexual ones) in your life. Maybe you feel guilty or "dirty" about expressing this side of yourself, that's why you dreamed up this god-like "watcher" observing your every move. When you say explicit I assume you mean sexual. You dream of a "fall from grace" into this hot pink fog, so maybe you have guilt about expressing yourself sexually or being in a relationship with a girl. You said in a similar dream you meet a "minotaur boy" similar to yourself, same age etc. In my opinion he represents your "shadow" or "dark side". Have you ever seen the movie Fight Club? Brad Pitt is Edward Norton's "shadow". This doesn't mean he's evil or bad, just that he represents all of the emotions that you've repressed during your life. We all have a shadow, it's perfectly normal. The fact that you feel attracted to this minotaur boy could mean that there's part of you that wants to express these dark emotions, that you want to get to know your "dark side". The last dream you talk about is proof that there's nothing "dirty" or "bad" about exploring this side of yourself, in fact understanding sexuality and understanding the feminine energy is very positive. Maybe you live in an environment where women are not appreciated, or maybe your friends think of women just as objects. Point is, this dream is trying to tell you to understand your sexual desires and realize the beautiful nature of the feminine. Anyway just my views, I'm not a pro. Let me know what you think.

Parents and Daughters? Should I buy something for my dad for fathers day?

Im going through the same situation hun but instead of the cats its his wife -_- you shouldnt pay attention to what your mom says,so don't mind her its should make your father a letter, telling him what u really feel.that's the first thing u should do. He'll understand. But u should just give him a card, you shouldnt buy him anything else.

Can I get in trouble if I let someone know I plan to take legal action against them?

No. While in an English language stand point, it's a threat. By United States law, it is not a threat or Harassment. He can attempt to use it as a threat, but seen in court it is not. Also, go for it.

Does she really love me..?????????????

um.... i guess she loves u. be her friend. show hat u care for nice wid her. let things be normal then after few days, simply tell her that u still love her.see wht she replies! good luck.

Is this guy crushing on me?

I don't think that he is necessarily crushing on you, but he might be. You may have seemed to him like someone that he could talk to without any crazy comments. Sometimes that all someone needs, a friend to talk to. He may tell you why he picked you to talk to about anything. Just remember that he may also be testing you to make sure that you are trustworthy. So just be yourself and keep talking/listening to him and you may have a new best friend!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Sprayed ant and roach spray.?

Hi, I sprayed black flag ant and roach spray pine scented, it says not to breathe it in. I accidently sprayed it and I have to stay in this room or else im grounded. Help? Can it kill me? please answer asap!

Treatment for poor blood circulation and numbness in hands?

massage ur hands by squeezing the blood from your palm to your finger tips then alternate between making a tight fist and an open hand dont push the blood with to much pressure though

If have a 70% in a class and my exam is worth 30%. How do i calculate what i need on the exam to pass Read mor?

If I have a 70% in a class and my exam is worth 30%. How do i calculate what i need on the exam to pass??

Why do I have such a serious German Roach Infestation in my house?

I have been going through 1 can of Raid per month for the past few months and I am still looking at German Roaches in my house, mostly the kitchen, both babies and adult ones, I'm going to try 2 or 3 cans of Raid per month now see if that will get rid of them, why does it seem like an unlimited army of cockroaches, I keep killing and there's always more to kill.

How to get rid of kitchen roaches.?

I just moved to NY and living in an apt building. I think all of the apartment in this building have roaches and they live in the wall. I am not sure where the roaches are coming from but they are in the kitchen all over on the counter, they come out at night. These are the little roaches and looks like different kinds. They are so disgusting and super hard to kill. I tried sprays, traps, sticky traps (they walk around the glue traps, smart huh). They just won't die. There has to be a way of getting rid of them. They are in the kitchen cabinets, the sink, on the stove. I am so scared of leaving anything out and I clean the kitchen constantly. Please please if you have any idea how to get rid of them please let me know..

How to keep bedbugs away?!?!?

We have been living in a apt for 8 months now and we have been infested with roaches and now our couch has bedbugs! Our bed doesn't have them but I REALLY want to keep it that way. It is up on a frame and I have put vaseline around the wheels because I heard this prevents them from climbing up onto the bed. I also heard spraying pure ammonia can help, but I have an 18 month old and don't know if thats safe. Any other suggestions to keep them out of our bed and maybe even eliminate the problem entirely? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thank you and God Bless =] P.S. we aren't financially able to move right now, and I already called the city to come and inspect.

I need some advice for Runescape?

Yes, I need some help. Ppl I know have been lving to 60 and above in like 2 weeks. One guy I know got his range to 70 and made 67mil from pking...IN A WEEK!!!. Im a lv 86 and that sucks because this acc I made in 2006. I havent really played much bcuz something always blocks me from getting on the computer. Plus I suck at getting money. Only bcuz of scamming nowadays and helping out my friend. I havent trained in a while bcuz I dont know what to train on. So My question is what do I train on?? BTW im f2p now not p2p anymore :/. And I suck at wildy....although ppl have been outnumbering me. I use full rune but am going to use str potions and swordfish. My skills are att 71, str def con 70 how do i kill ppl and make money and what do i train on?? DONT SAY IM A NOOB CUZ IVE BEEN PLAYING SINCE 2001. DONT TELL ME TO QUIT CUZ IVE BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT. Dont say runescape is gay bcuz its everyones opinion, u cant tell me what to do with my life. SO ANYWAYS FOR F2P WHAT DO I TRAIN ON??? DONT SAY ROACHES.

Am i doing enough exercise for my diet?

Well, i started working out and eating heathier about a months and 2 day ago. On the 3rd week i weighed myself and i had lost 4lb. The exercise that i do is : i walk and stand around 5-8hrs 5 days a week for work, 3 times a week i do swmming arobic, and swim (laps) for 45min-1hr. And every night i do 4 sets of 15 crunches, 30 squats, 20 lunges 20 sit jumps or w/e u call them, where u go down to the ground and jump up, and i work my arms with onelb weights 2 sets of 15 for each arm workout i do. I know u shudnt work one the same muscle everyday...but idk how to spread it am i doing enough, and how can i spread out my exercise so it will be mor benificial?

How to get guys to like me?

in the begining of the yr a lot ofguys lykd me thn i went out with ths guy nd we broke up nd we got into a lot of fyts but now i dnt even tlk 2 him. but no othr guys seem 2 lyk me any mor. help!

Rit tie dye help please??? thanks!!?

I am making t-shirts for my basketball team. I am using plain white t-shirts then dyeing them red with rit dye. How many boxes or packages of rit dye do I need to make 20 t-shirts?

Cleaning questions?????

Kitchen 1st then bathroom the rest is easier. If you have roaches you need to call a pro to get them out!

I wanna kill myself but somewhere inside I don't wanna do it?

I am a 18 yr old guy. I am not dat gud lukin thou. I have completed my 12th boards. But god knows how much I suffered to do that too. As I said I am not that gud lukin. I was never loved at my home though. I always kept. I had developed xenophobia ( fear of unknown people ) cus of my emotional distance from the rest of the family. I have a sister, she is good. My parents never trusted me. As if they didnt wanted to do. They only liked my sis cus she said the truth to them whenever she commited any mistake. But they dont know dat I dont tell them anythng cus from the very begginin they never trusted the truth I said. I was deprived of true love, caring and affection. I had no friends at that age (almost in my 6th grade). I just developed a reserveness. I was never able to gather the confidence to talk to anybody on my own. This continued till some 9th grade. I had a transfer at another school. Then there I saw a gal whom I thought I had saw in my previous skul, thou she was nvr been der. I felt a great attraction. Her attitude was different. But I still couldn't talk. I kept waitin until the board exams of 10th, when in the exam hall she herself called out my name and asked wassup. Tryin to show that she was nervous she asked me to help her out in the exam. I could not stop controllin my smile, my happiness for havin talked to her. She was PR******. I felt so much happy. I had nvr introduced myself to her. So I askd how she knew my name. She said that everybdy knew my name in the class for my brilliance. Then only I realized how famous I was in the class. I didnt knew her name but knew that she was a genious in SST. So pretty convinced that she wont need my help I told her that I wud help. The next year she was in Science with me and we kept talkin for the whole lot day cus there used to be no teacher who came to class for the first month. Then she had to leave cus his father found her marks in board unsatisfactory (evn thou it was 84 %) and put her into junior college wadia. Then only felt her tru absence. I felt hopeless. I felt messed up. I grew sad. I tried to find out her no. I used to write my diary. Then suddenly a few gals found it the desk wen I was not der and they read it. Then they only said that they have read my diary & asked me if I loved her that much. I answered yes. I had drawn hearts in it with my own blood. I had marked P on my left hand with razor blade. Den 1day I found her no from one gal. I then calld her and pretended the purpose to be an invitation for attendin the teachers day celebrations. She couldnt come. My mom found me talkin to her. She didnt hear any conversation but with the only impression that she was a gal she was angry. Then she found the mark on my hand. She scolded me a lot. Told that I was a fool and many more ridiculous stuff. Still with the hope that they will understand I told my mom her nam. She pretended to be cool. but frm den on she nvr let me go out of hom without askin my hundreds of questions. I was fed up. Then one day I found out the reason. On overhearing their conversation I came to know that they thought I was goin to her house. I left all hope of convincing them. Cut my hands markin enormous no of long stripes. By this time I had started makin friends. I had got good friends evn some gals. I considered most of them to my sis. Still my mom kept spyin on me & wen she found that I'm talkin to gals she started scoldin me. I couldnt bear their blames. I never had a girlfriend and could had one either, but still I was always accused of havin one. To avoid the internal pain I started cuttin my hands. It worked like drugs. But soon I needed mor of it for forgettin the pain. Then some of my friends found out this and advised to talk to my parents. I tried but cudn't. This continued till 12th. She started blackmailin me that she will send all my friends to jail on a false case, if I didnt stop meetin the gal. Infact I haven't met her since she left the school. I nvr proposed her thou. I was very upset. Then one day however I was abl to talk to them. She pretended to understand. I cudn't mak out the difference. I was so happy. Then wen I came to knew they havent changed theirs views about me, I was broken. I was scattered. This happened a few months ago. I somehow gave my boards and passed. But al these years I was not abl to concentrate. I havent done that gud in my entrances. I have lost the hope of selectin into any. I have decided that I dont get into any I wud just simply die. Thats the only clear decision I made till now. I want to get far from my parents and the only way being a college which I cud get into. So I found another way. Suicide... I will kill myself... I will leave everybody in a few months time. But somewhere I want someone to stop me. I feel guilty upon the thought that maybe I'm doin dis for some godamn attention. But soon I'm convinced upon the thought that its all real.... I wanna die soon... Thats an easier wa

How to end a friendship bracelet?

I can't see the image you have put up but the general idea of a friendship braclet is that it wairs out and breaks off on its own. When your friend ties it onto your wrist you are supposed to make a wish that comes true when the bracelet breaks. Otherwise the only way I suppose is to cut it off with scissors carefully!

Nicknames for a NAME morning? <33 (; THANKS! <3?

so, in a short story i have to write, the girl's name is morning. what are some nicknames i could have for this? mor, mory? idk. thanks so much! <33

School trip to Thorpe Park any hairstyle ideas ?

Um...bro...just throw your hair up in a messy bun. get over it, youre not gunna be impressing anyone...

Trouble codes P0440 and P0410?

2001 Chevy blazer 4.3 automatic. i have trouble codes p0440 (evap malfunction) tied in with p0410 (2ndary air malfunction). I replaced the air pump and new hose assembly. Light came back on with same two codes. (The pump sucks in air and works fine). I think I may have found the problem. I traced it to the 2 air check valves that lead into the manifold. If these are stuck open and/or detiorating, the evap system isn't achieving enough vacuum during it's test so the pressure drops and sets the p0440. Does this make sense to anybody or am i off base?

Why is my baby feeding so much? ?

He is 3 weeks old and since yesterday he has eaten So much almost constantly. I pumped and have more than enough milk and the lacatation consultant said I had mor than he needs as well. I swear he has been on my boob Non stop since last night. Any ideas on how to get a break?

Wats a website where you can read any book you want without downloading or buying anything?

other than onread. mor ehtan one would be helpful. im looking for a site that has grgeor and the mark of secret

What will Doo Gro do for my type of hair?

Please pass on this. It is too greasy and heavy for your hair type. I am not saying this to be rude or hurtful but just to save you the agony of repeatedly trying to shampoo the grease (the first five ingredients contains petroleum and some kind of wax) out of your hair. I'm black and I don't even bother with it. I read elsewhere that it caused some people's hair to fall out in small but noticeable clumps. Usually if it comes in a jar and has on it hairdressing, it is too heavy for your hair type.

How can I be pregnant???????????

so I got what I thought was my period last month but it lasted about 3 days, when it usually last 7 days & it was late. I have been waiting for my period this month, I should've started Monday and it is now Wednesday. I usually have a 28 day cycle...could my cycle change? Please say that is the case. I have 3 children and really do not want any more. I do NOT feel pregnant. I am usally very sick. I am hoping I am just stressed. The only symptom I have is nasuea, but I just associated that with me about to start my period. Also my tubes are tied. That is another reason why I do not think I am not pregnant. I am going to wait until the weekend to take a PT. But I was wondering what other females thought.

My daughter will be baptized next week and we are mexican catholics need suggestions on the bolo?

usually the bolo which is where we throw money at the children to pick up during the party well i will not be having a party but was thinking of giving the children the money after the mass instead like in a little gift bag or envelope but need some suggestions on how to do it in a unique way. If I put it in an envelope what type of envelope what should it say should i put a card inside or if I put it in a little gift bag should I put a card inside of it or tie a ribbon on it can someone give me some suggestions or maybe you have been to a baptism were they did something like that.

Im in love? can i get some help here ?

Wow it seems classic. The guy likes you and now that he seems like he doesn't like you anymore that's when you like him. You gotta try to get him back, chances are he still likes you...hopefully he doesn't like this new girl more.

Why is My ex like this?

we broke up years ago but we still hang out. And he still takes me out to denny's or buy's me lunch at Friday's, or takes me to the movies. Im not that smart, so when it comes to stuff like when i have a terrible blonde moment he notices. And it's scary for me and embarrassing. Anyway's now it's awkward silence coming from him. He's alway's quite around me, and very non talkative. I wonder all the time what he's thinking. I'm usually the one talking, but then i stop and get quite and it's awkward. He still continues to buy me things that i want like ciggs exc. I wonder if he feel's like im dumb, or if he's annoyed with me or if he's always this quite and awkward. what do you think? ive known him since i was thirteen. he's 23 now and im 18 four mor months and my birthday comes. Is it because He's a pisces and im a leo or is it because of the age difference? we've done so much toghether and he makes me happy, and i think i make him happy cause he still hangs out with me even though we've broken up, and were not good together as relationship wise? i don't know why do you guy's think he's acting this way? i need a lot of answers cause im soo confused. and i don't want this silence and awkwardness to continue on i just want us to be happy as friends. Hes like the best guy friend a girl can have

I think I have cockroaches?

About a week ago i was in the shower and saw a shadow of a bug on the shower curtain. turns out it was a cockroach. ive been looking up pictures of the different kinds and i believe it's an oriental. its brown and the wings are shiny. i also noticed some sort of bug on the kitchen floor that i have never seen before. the only way i can describe it is that the body looks like a spider and the top part resembles a crab. could these be baby roaches? it's freaking me out because i found another one of these bugs in my kittens' litter box. i also found a roach in the litter box a few days ago. we got the kittens about a week ago, when i first discovered the roaches. is there any way the kittens we got could have carried baby roaches into my house on them? we got the kittens from a dirty house and we're trying to rid them of fleas. our house however is very clean which is why i'm so frustrated with this recent bug problem. i know roaches do not need a dirty place in order to live. also, last winter i found the same kind of roach crawling on my kitchen wall. after we killed it, we did not see anymore until this time around. any information is helpful, thank you.

Im 29 weeks pregnant which is 7 months baby development?

is good and hes a healty baby but i look like im only 4 maby 5 months pregnant and with only two mor months left to go i dont look like im bout to have him does this mean im going to have a little baby or should i just quit worring everybody i tell im 7 months going on eight look at me like im crazy cuz im not shown like im bout to be eight months but my doctor tell me im fine and to keep taken my vitimians and my gain is okay so should i quit worring or is he gonna be little but when he moves around i my stomach moves up and down with him so any advis will help oh this is my first pregnancy

How should I spend my microsoft points?

I'm thinking about getting a 1600 points card and I can't decide what dlc to get. The games I'm tied between are L.A. Noire, Red Dead Redemption, Mass Effect 2, and Call of Duty Black Ops (already have first and second map pack). Besides Black Ops I have no DLC in any of the other games and I'm really not that big on buying the new map pack, but how is it? and what DLC would you recommend?

About my puppy and obedience classes...?

To keep things very consistent, it would be best if one person takes the puppy to classes. However, talk to the instructor and if the instructor doesn't mind, the other person can attend classes to observe so they'll know the methods used, etc.

Can conservatives get us to forget about taxing the richest to reduce the deficit, by attacking Obama agin?

Say, if conservatives right here in YA can draw attention again to Obama's race -- and his supposed foreign policy failures -- and his good or bad remarks about his daughters today -- and his ties to Chicago politics -- will everyone else in YA Politics forget the point Obama made today about the super-wealthy needing to sacrifice just a wee bit in terms of higher taxes, to help the US fix the deficit?

Would the tucked in jeans look good?

what are you, some kind of hipster wannabe? Its just school (Im assuming youre in high school), no one gives a ****. Anyways all those hipsters think theyre being very "ironic" and cool when they dress like douchey fags without realizing that they actually just look like douchey fags to everyone whos not a hipster.

Is it true that after you have a dream & you journal it, or put a deep thought into it,dreams get mor realisti?

Sorry the last word is realistic, but is it true that if you think over, talk about, or journal your dreams when you wake up from what you remember, That they get more vivid and realistic, if so, do have facts to proof it?

Cockroach Infestation in Mac Air?

I just bought this MacBook Air, It doesn't have a optical drive built in and am not looking to buy the apple mainly for the price ($79.99). But any whom my co-worker said that I could borrow his, he lent me a LG Multi super drive, or something. But It didn't even work, so I set aside not next to my computer but right on top of my computer bag, I was just looking at it and noticed something weird on the crew holes, so I investigated further, and it was a dead roach, It must have been old because it was dried out and flaky, so of course I began to over obsess over my brand new mac air. So then I went to check the USB cords on the LG drive itself and noticed there was something brownish in it, i moved it around with a toothpick and I'm not sure what it was but it was soft. I then immediately checked my USB ports and there was no residue or anything that made me think that there is a problem. But know I'm paranoid that there are roaches growing in my mac, and feel like any day now my computer is going to just die, can anyone help me? Is my computer infested, even though there are no visible signs?

How Do U Get Rid Of Bugs & Mice Effectively?

Google "Electronic Pest Control" on line. There are a number of devices you plug in that will alleviate the situation. No matter how clean you keep your place, if you live in an apartment someone else's problem becomes a building problem.

Is this suitable for a funeral?

is white shirt black tie black trousers and black shoes suitable for a funeral i have to go to a funeral next week and its all i've got to wear is it suitable?

Trying to introduce someone to jazz?

I am an avid jazz enthusiast and admittedly younger than most people who are jazz fans. However, I think that it is really important to try to get more young people into jazz because I am honestly scared that it is pretty much going to die in America. I have a friend my age who is a big fan of music in general and who is a musician who has said "I like jazz i guess but I just haven't really gotten into it." And I understand. I think jazz is the type of thing you have to listen to for a little while before it finally clicks and you realize how amazing it is. Anyways, so I told said friend I'd make him some CDs. I don't want to give him too much all at once, so I've narrowed it down to the albums John Coltrane's "My Favorite Things" and "A Love Supreme"; "Kind of Blue," "Cookin'," "Steamin'," "Workin'," and "Relaxin'" By Miles Davis and his quintets; and "Jazz at Massey Hall 1953" with Diz, Bird, Bud, Roach, and Mingus, which is the recording that got me interested in jazz. But still haha I don't want to smother him, so I want to narrow it down even more. Any suggestions of one album I should give him? I'm thinking "Kind of Blue" or "Cookin'/Steamin'/Workin'/Relaxin' with the Miles Davis Quintet" (since those four pretty much go together anyways). What do you guys think?

What To Make A Fairy House Out Of?

I have one outside of my room ( window) and another one in the woods hidden. I made mine out old twigs and this I find on the ground. Then I glued moss and leaves on top of the house. plus i put in parsley and rosemary because they are attracted to those spices

Monday, July 18, 2011

Can I get Pregnant Like This?

Well my boyfriend recently moved in with me and the way he lives is the opposite way i like to live. For example he likes to walk around the house naked and he enjoys ejaculating everywhere. I let him do it because I want him to be comfortable, He even does it when guest are around. He says he love the feeling of ejaculating at places he please. He does it on the floor, the kitchen, the living room, the front door. But know i think i'm pregnant from being around all the sperm daily. He says im not and that if he ejaculates mor he would really like it. I just want him to stay with me and be happy.

How can I grow out my hair faster!? ?

I wanted to know how to grow it out faster and when I say that I don't mean longer. I mean I've dyed my hair and now I'm trying to grow it out at least to my collarbone, I'm eating healthy and not tying it up as much... Any tips? Thank you :)

Why am I so heavy despite looking so skinny?

Mostly because you are tall. Height can add a lot of weight but also some people just naturally have a heavier build even if they are really slim. (also 61 kg is about 130 pounds)

A bee stung me and it's starting to swell?

I asked this question but I need mor answers. A bee stung me on my foot on saturday and my foot is starting to swell. I don't know what to do!!!and is it normal to swell?

E.T. And Star Trek Music?

Is it just me or does the music from the most recent Star Trek movie sound oddly similar to that of E.T.? And does anyone know if there are any ties between the two, besides spielberg.

What would b ur opinion on a girl hu knows mor or the same amount of hip hop as u do?

I'd spend less time worrying about someone's opinion of your hip hop knowledge and focus more on the correct spelling of basic english words. I understand wanting to abbreviate, but "hu"?? You couldn't add an 'e' to the end of "mor"? I'd go back to the basics before worrying about music

What are some really good rock/screamo songs?

i really want to listen to some new music but dont know what so any suggestions? if it helps i listen to bands like papa roach brokencyde hollywood undead eyes set to kill my chemical romance panic at the disco three day grace breaking benjamin nickelback and im willing to give any kind of music a try as well

I think i broke my laptop... dell inspiron mini?

i got this laptop for christmas last year. yesterday i was tying a water balloon for my brother and it spilled all over my computer. i covered it with rice (thats what you do for cellphones, right?) and let it dry out for 24 hours. i tried turning it on and it didnt work. is there any way i can fix this? and is there a warrenty for this on my laptop? dell inspiron mini. plus, how do i tell my parents? they already think im irresponsible....

I just don't want to be on bad terms forever. Is this friendship over for good?

How are people supposed to answer this when we don't know the whole situation and don't know how he's like?

Did i just see a roach or a bug that looks like one?

impossible to say for sure without seeing it...could of been a roach..a beetle or one of the true bugs.

What are our chances against W.I. still without Gayle at Barbados, with a bouncier pitch & maybe Roach back ?

Some time ago Australia played Johnson,Lee & Tait in their test squad against India & they said that Tait would blow their heads off and he ended up retiring from test cricket himself after the mauling he got, similarly Roach is going to start with bouncers & go down bowling more bouncers, India should win this one, keeping the above match in mind, its not the bouncy pitch & fast bowlers only which wins them matches anymore, they have to do a lot more than that to derail Indian team:)

Bearded Dragon Questions?

Hi Guys! I have a few questions. Im planning on getting a Bearded Dragon soon, and Id get a baby. I want to know what to feed it, and How many a day I should feed it. I know I should do a salad every day, but I wanted to know what else. Also, Whenn its full grown, how many mice should I give it a week? And how many crickets/ roaches? I want a real answer not one like "Hahahaha I like Bearded Dragons." Thanks.

Friend zone:((((?Best friend depression:((((?

I think that is great to tell her but first be like i know you don't like pouring your feelings out but i have to tell you something. Other than that that is great to tell her.

Child Services question?

I have a 10 year old daughter, my daughter was not being raised with me but with her mother, We had a verbal agreement and Ill visit her when she allowed me too but it would always be outside the home theyll never allow me to go inside the home and my ex always had to be their when I saw her, so heres the thing two months ago we took her to a fair and she needed to go use the restroom (my kid) i took her she started telling me something that I couldnt believe she said the house is so dirty they never vacuum, rats and roaches are inside the home, their is no space since they made the living room into two bedrooms, their is dirty clothes, dirty dishes, trash all over d home, the food gets rotten in the refrigerator, they have animals inside and outside, the walls have spiderwebs and mold,and lots of other stuff. She also mentioned she sleeps with her mom her moms bf and her lilstepsister in a queen bed in a small room, she said they have around 20 people living in the home since that is my exes moms house and that my ex hits her hard that is the reason she never lets me pick her up inside her house. I was so mad when she told me all this that monday I went to file for child custody Because I was not aware of this until that day when she told me everything, I called child services and they went I received a call from a juvenile detective stating to please call him back asap I did but he was not in, does anyone have any idea what might of happen I was told by one of the family members child services was their last week.

I'm really shy and have no self confidence so it's hard for me to talk to people? ?

just smile and be friendly! Ask people about themselves and be truly interested in what they have so say. Smile, make eye contact and be confident! I'm sure you're a wonderful person!!!!!! Before you know it people will want to talk to you because you make them feel good and you're a nice person to be around!

What would you do if?

you were home, watching TV and suddenly noticed a family of cockroaches, moving in: a father cockroach, carrying a bed, a mother cockroach, carrying a bundle of bed-linen, and five children cockroaches, with bright backpacks on their backs, carrying their toys, and when the mother roach saw you, it dropped her bundle on the floor, turned to her husband and said: "Where did you bring us? This place is overrun with humans!"?

What should I do in my lousy, lonely depressing life, in the present and in the future?

Aww. Well don't do that don't rob and stuff and I bet your really good at music sounds cool I love hip-hop. And I have annoying parents and life seems to get crappies and crappies for me and yea losing friends things are gonna get better for you I'll pray that they will for you and if you need someone to talk to you can just email me at

Who are the new characters in modern warfare 3?

i want to no who will u play with i no u will play as cpt john soap but whos next roach and ghost are dead rip 2 both of them

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why can I not continue on Runescape?

Basically Im trying to enter Mort Myre, to go to Mor'ton, to continue with my slayer task. So I went up to the gate which tells me I need permission from Drezel. I went back to Drezel and He said to me "What Are you doing up here", then my character says the same. And he tells me he is guarding the coffin (or something). There is no option for me to talk to him about entering the swamp. I have definately completed Priest In Peril. So can anyone tell me what I haven't done for Drezel..Please Help!!

Cardio question is it health or not?

so i plan on working out two hours 5 days a week. i got to ride my bike home tho from the gym. my house is about 2 miles away from the gym not to far. thats about 30-40 minute ride home. so all togeither thats 2hours and35 minutes. so my question is. i plan on working on the tredmill for atleast a half hour every day im there. would that be to much cardio or do you advice mor? im trying to lose weight and build muscle.

Hoe to tie spectro 2 and 3?

I bought the specro 3, grey and black, and although I'm really satisfied with them, I dont know how to tie them up with 2 laces . Am I supposed to take the grey lace off and re-tie the black one? Or are there any ways to tie them up with 2 laces? I think those shoes would be cooler with the grey lace on the bottom lace-halls ( sry, I don't know what they are called ) . But if I do that, the grey lace will be too long to tie... Soooo please help me. I have the same question for spectro 2, blue and purple.

Please give me advice?

I'm 15 and have been in love with this guy. Sumtimes he can be the nicest guy ever and be really sweet but other time he just talks about sex and how he wants to "****" I'm a virgin so it's like weird cuz I want to but I don't wanna b mor hurt. He has ****** me over in the past but he keeps coming back to me.. Does that mean anything? I don't know what to do anymore

How much does it cost to have your ears pinned back in UK?

Im a 17 year old girl who has been bullied ever since primary school because of my ears. I can't tie my hair up because it looks ridicules. For a couple of months I've been stickying my ears back with double sided sticky tape because im trying everything to stick them back a bit but it's not working! Im not sure where to start with this. I can't afford to have this operation because I don't have any money and my parents can't afford it either so I'm not sure if I can get it free with the NHS at my age or what. Where do I start do I go to the doctors first and if yes then what the hell do I say?

Do you guys agree that?

hernandez and giovanni dos santos are overrated footballers and are a disgrace to the proffession called football

Am I going to be deaf?

Some earplugs could help, if you live by better safe than sorry. it all depends on how close you are to the speakers. I am constantly listening to my ipod all the way u, going to loud concerts, and my hearing is fine. but yeah, its all up to you... and let me say that i am SUPER jealous, sounds llike an awesome concert :)

Should I go with vodaphone contract?

I just got a phone call from vodaphone offering me samsung galaxy for a two year contract. Right now I am with O2 top up and I pay 15 pounds a month and have unlimited texts and calls to O2. That's enough for me. They offered me contract for 10 pounds a month for a year and then the second year for 16 pounds a month with 300 free minutes and unlimited texts to any phone. What should I do? I have an old phone but I don't want to find myself in a situation where I have to pay a lot... I'm scared that with the contract that might happen. Right now I live with my bf and near friends but summer Im moving to london to study and Im sure I'll be using my phone at least abit mor eot call him and others. What would you choose? What is better for me? please answer quick becuase they have extra offer today and otherwise it would be much more expensive for me...

What legal rights do grandparents have in pennsylvania?

My ex boyfriend and I have a 2 year old daughter. Throughout our 3 and a half year relationship my exes mom usually took my daughter about once a week to spend time with her. She really is a great woman and I trust her caring for my daughter. Since my ex and I split about a month ago, she still continues to take my daughter about once a week. I never gave her a problem about this as it is absolutely no problem with me. Recently, I was informed that she had gone to a lawyer and had him write something up to secure her visitation rights with my daughter. Although, she is a great person in the sense of being caring she also is very pushy in getting what she wants. I feel threatened because I have not given her reason to believe that I wouldn't let her visit with my daughter. I could see if since my ex and I split I had yet to let her see my daughter but that is not the case at all. I am not saying that it would be anytime soon but years from now after I'm done with school, I don't necessarily want to be tied down to the area i'm in. I very well may never leave but i'd like to have the option open. Is there anything that a grandparent could do to legally tie me down to the area i'm living in? This isn't an issue with the father of my child. I understand that if he really wanted to he would have the right to have me stay in the area to assure he sees his child. That isn't the case though. This is purely the grandmothers doing.

Why wont psychiatrists/ psychotherapists/therapists/do… help me?

i was wondering if anyone could clarify this for me. just over a year ago i was diagnosed with a serious depression , i had been trying to explain this since it started when i was twelve and i first started to fall deep into this bottomless pit. please,im begging you, imploring you even not to lose interest and decide that im a silly little teenager with hormones flying here ,there and everywhere like so many people have already ; i believe this to be the reason my diagnosis was not made for four years.Since i first found myself in the claw-like grip of this illness i have seen nine therapists/ psychiatrists/ pyschoanalysts/ pyschotherapists/ mental health nurses/ mental health doctors (whatever you want to call them- people who sit in a chair and expect me to cry and talk for an hour) , excluding obviously the brief encounters when i commited myself to a&e for an emergency assement. personnaly if find this excessive. every time i am ushered to another therapist (or whatever their title is ) i spend a few months to a year working with them before finding myself transferred to someone else and needing to start afresh.twice in the year i have spoken to my general practitioner and the current therapist and asked if more drastic measures could be taken to avoid any harm to myself or, mor importantly, others such as medication or hospitalization . their respose? have a guess:more therapy! Im detecting a pattern here, is anyone else?. I have attempted to take my own life five times already ( hanging, asphixiation, alcohhol poisoning and overdose (x2)) . I failed that many times - I will suceed eventually. I have quit school and all socializing as i have sunk to the point where living is too painful to do any more than barely exist. I have tried to beat this thing alone but i just cant .if i continue this way -simply being passed around from doctor to doctor i wont live to see my 18th birthday (nor, do i particulaarly want to). what i want to know is : i need to be prescribed antidepressants , i refuse to get them from the black market, do i have a right to demand treatment? proper treatment. as although living at the moment is more painful than sweet oblivion of death and i am not afraid : i dont want to die. can someone,anyone, tell me why wont they help me?

Is Raid Flying Insect Killer just as effective on roaches?

In other means, when I spray RAID flying insect killer on a roach, it dies in like 5min. Would it be worth getting Raid Roach/Ant killer? Does it kill the roach faster than a Raid bug spray meant for other insects?

What to wear to a wedding as a guest?

Ok this is my first time going to a wedding. I hate parties and other little festivities like this. I am a hermit type fella, I don't like to get out and socialize. Anyway my girlfriends cousin is getting married. I don't really want to go but I don't want her family to hate me, so I'm going anyway. This is right after my 22nd birthday(July 2) plus the 4th of July is coming. Guess I should of got with a girl with social problems or one that doesn't like to party. I need help getting a suit for the wedding but I don't want to spend alot of money. I went online and found some suits for $100 but that's to much. I mean I have the money I just don't want to spend alot of money for something I will wear once. And I don't want to rent a suit, I hate renting stuff. Can I just get a cheap pair of slacks, a tie, some payless shoes, and a shirt from wal mart all for around $50? and just get a cheap suit jacket of vest?

I have 2 very, very faint positives?

I have been very nasueated for about 3 weeks now, I had a period that was a day late and only lasted 3 days..then 2 days after I was off my period i started spotting so i took to tests this morning..2 very faint plus signs...But my tubes are tied.. is it possible that i really am pregnant??? any sugestions...

Numbness, confusion and wanting to die? (might be long but please help me)?

Just know that you are never actually alone. If you email me, I could give you my real name and even my number or something so that you could get a hold of me. I go through depression right now as well and my life feels as though it is ruined. Just know that life is worth living and you should try to keep your head up. Have you tried getting therapy? If you feel that your antidepressant dosage should be higher, talk to your doctor and tell her that. Also, look up crisis hotline numbers. They are just a listening ear that you can talk to when you need someone to talk you off the ledge. You don't have to give your name or any personal information, they are just someone to talk to you and will not trace your call. If you want someone to talk to or someone to listen, I will be there for you. I know it isn't much because I am just a stranger, but I will prove to you that you are worth something. You are loved. Never forget that.

Possible WWIII Scenario?

The USA becomes oil crazy and starts going into random countries. Next thing you know, thery're gonna invade some random country like Libya!

Should parents/guardians ensure their child can swim?

Hi, I was just curious if anyone besides me thinks it's a parent's responsibility to ensure that their child knows how to swim. In my opinion, it's a skill that I feel no one should be deprived of, but some parents just never ensure their child is taught how to do. I feel it's like riding a bike or tying a shoe: It's one of those things every child should learn growing up, especially if they live on the coast or close to a beach (not sure if the bike riding and shoe tying examples were good, but you guys get my point, I'm sure). If not swim, at least float or keep their head above water. There are plenty of children who grow into adults not knowing how to swim. I'm actually one of those people. I'm 20 and cannot swim (and neither can my 3 brothers), so I'm currently taking classes at the YMCA. I was talking to some of my co-workers (who's ages range from 21-23) about it and they can't swim either. Anyway, I just got tired of it. Every time I go to a pool, I have to stay in the shallow end, or hold the edge when I go to the deep end. I ask some of my friends that do know to try to show me but no luck. That's why I went to the YMCA to get a trained instructor to show me (and those adults are grown now, so they can take it upon themselves to do the same). Classes are going good. I know how to float now so I'm progressing. I just feel I should've been taught sooner, especially when I was living with my father years back since my father is retired Navy. I can't remember back that far as a child if I had asked him or not, but a child shouldn't have to ask. It should be obvious to a parent that they should teach or make arrangement to have their child learn how to swim. However, at 20 I can't sit around and wonder why I can't swim when I'm well enough to take it upon myself, so that's why I took action (although I wish I did it sooner, like, in my high school years). But it's not like a little child can teach him/herself or go on their own to the YMCA or community center and sign up. I know there are some limitations for some, like paying for the lessons. However, it shouldn't take the 18 years it takes for a child to grow up for a parent to save up money for swimming lessons. Also, there may not be any source of water nearby. But most cities have a public pool, community center, YMCA or something for the public nearby, so MOST parents shouldn't have the problem of finding water to teach their child. Also, some children may have permanent disabilities, which anyone can obviously understand. Maybe the parent cannot teach because the parent can't swim either. But that parent can make arrangements for someone else to teach the child or sign them up for classes like I mentioned earlier. I'm not necessarily labeling parents as downright awful, horrible, neglectful parents if they don't ensure their child is taught, but I'm saying that parents with a typical average child should take responsibility and DO THEIR BEST to ensure that their child can swim at an early age, as opposed to that child growing up not knowing this skill. I know when I have kids, I'm making sure that they are taught at an early age so they don't have to endure being an adult without knowing how to swim. You never know, it may just save that person's life if they're ever in danger in the water. I apologize for the length, but what is your opinion on this?

School trip to Thorpe Park any hairstyle ideas ?

Unless your hair gets REALLY tangled easily, you should think about having a least some of it down. What I would do is part your hair on the side and french braid a section in the front. Then clip, rubber band, or bobby pin it, but make sure its secure. Or your could do your hair half up half down, but braid the top half. Hope this helps!

What kind of meals should I be eating to gain muscle and lose belly fat?

Im 19 male, 170 pounds, Im trying to gain mor muscle ( mostly upper body) I go to the gym aleast 3 times a week and lift for about an hour and a half and run abouta mile-2 miles after working out, Im not sure what type of meals to eat because I know i need to eat more proteins and such to build but idk how much is going to give me more pudge :|....if this makes sense help please :)

Just moved in April and now were seing a roach hear n there like 4 of them?

In the daytime we Don't see them but started seeing them at night. How can I kill them before I move because I don't want them.yuck.....

How much does it cost to have your ears pinned back?

Im a 17 year old girl that lives in UK who has been bullied ever since primary school because of my ears. I can't tie my hair up because it looks ridicules. For a couple of months I've been stickying my ears back with double sided sticky tape because im trying everything to stick them back a bit but it's not working! Im not sure where to start with this. I can't afford to have this operation because I don't have any money and my parents can't afford it either so I'm not sure if I can get it free with the NHS at my age or what. Where do I start do I go to the doctors first and if yes then what the hell do I say?

REALLY BAD SUNBURN will it go away?

ok so i went to the beach today and i put on sunscreen but it didnt help cuz i got a really bad burn on my shoulders and back-u can see the bow tie from my bikini =( but ive been putting aloe on my back, took hot and cold showers and pain killers. but im going to a party on the fourth of july, any chance it will be gone by then? its REALLY red but no blisters..

Does it hurt to get my nose pierced?

Ok so I want my nose pierced just a small gauge and I was wondering if it hurts I got my cartalge pierced does it feel same to that mor less???

Health care professionals, Fitness enthusiasts answer this! Supplement use and side effects on Body!?

You may be overdoing it and I would advise that you seek the help of a nutritionist who would be more knowledgeable about what your body needs. Anything, when taken excessively can do harm to your liver and kidneys so be very careful. Good Luck.

Chest back and neck muscles tightened up?

I bent over to tie my shoe stood up right and my back neck and chest muscles started tightening up any explanations??

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Is it wrong choosing my boyfriend over family?

Wow u went trew a lot of crap for this boy well ask if you can move in with your boyfriends I mean ya ur parents will be mad but they can firer you from being there child even tho it dose not seem like it they love you and if you do move in with them then sneak out they can't treat you like your 13 for the reast of your life

Question about my girl friend?

She wants you to perform oral sex on her. She's then going to tie your hands (probably with a scarf) get on top of you and ride like a show horse. She's saying you'll be her ***** because she'll be in control. She probably thinks it's sexy to call you her ***** but its not. At all.

What can I do to get rid of my acne?

I've tied countless creams, not one of them work, they're completely useless. I've tried some tablets that my doc gave to me, again useless. What the hell am I supposed to do? Are there any sort of alternative, new age type of treatments I could try?

One of my friend’s sister diagnosed bipolar disorder by the Doctors. The Doctors suggested medications, respod?

As you feel, it is better to consult a psychiatrist and discuss with him threadbare about all these problems.

How do I tell my friend the reason he can't get a girlfriend?

Try to tell him indirectly. when he gets a new email gf or whatever, tell him you want to help him do the smooth-talking. If that doesnt work, you're just going to have to be honest with him.

What is this bug that i found in my bathroom called?

its a orange bug its a size of a 50c piece so... huge! and its orange its not a cockroach or a roach i know what they look like. so... what is this bug called?

Had one hell of a dream. Have no ideas if it meant something?

must of watch a movie that it was involved with the center of the earth or going to it.i had seen a movie some what like that.but if you want to know each of the persons are trying to tell you something ,your path of going on your life .you choose the door to your damnation,get yourself out ,lift yourself out of it time to see the light .you got people downing you you got to lift your spirits on yourself blow yourself out of it, time to get yourself self driven. concur the neg of your life, be the super human and go on with life.

No more space on my MacBook?

I have a 2 GB MacBook. It saying the is no more room. I have a lot of videos because i make videos on youtube and i would like to keep them on my computer i have at least 30 videos and idk where to store them. I use a flash drive for some but some video will not go in to it is there any other options for mor space like alot more? thanks!

What do I do about a roach in my dishwasher?

I keep having a problem with a roach that runs around in my dishwasher. It really bothers me since I leave dishes in there. Is there anything I can put in there that will keep them out of my dishwasher?

People keep calling me fat, what should i do?

Im 13 2/3 im in junors clothes. i wear a 10 if i want my pants to fit tight, a 11/12 if i want them to fit lose. in shirts i wear a L/XL and i have a almost flat stomach but i have C/D cup boobsand a med backside. and i have tried to diet but i can never keep up with it and my mom and dad wont help me because they feel i dont need a diet. but even my cousins say im fat like she would say i might weigh mor than she do and she is 34. she sayd im to big to wear a bikini. im tall also so i dont know it that helps yhu picture how big. i am 5"8'. i onli have strech marks on my hips right above my butt. can yhu tell me what i should do please

I'm too slow to became a friend so ihavn't got any friend since 8th month so how can i find friends?

i 've been here in london for 8th month but because i'm very sensative and seriouse so i haven't got any friend who can play with after college one mor thing i'm learning english as well but now my life is very borring just go to college then come back to home no nothing so i want halp from you how can i find some friends not gangs because my dad told me that in your age commanly gys are here in london involved in gangs and somking drinking so i'm looking for friend who is not smoking and drinking and he want to be good person .it doesn't matter who are they but theymust be very good and better than me and they alsospent sometime with to playing something

How can i get him to ask me out again?

Ok, well, me and this guy dated for about 2 months, and it as ridiculous since we never hugged or kissed or even like spoke to each other because of my "friends" when we hung out alone, we were clearly perfect for eachother and talked so much. but he broke up with me by text and its been a while but i really want to go out with him again, and this time i know i have to make the first move after he asks me out. i do not want to ask him out because im not sure if he likes me, so please do not put that in the answers. so what can i do so he is attracted to me again, schools ending soon, and i want to get back with him before it ends, because we wont see each other over the summer if we aren't dating. but if he doesnt ask me out, im trying to loose weight and look mor attractive over the summer, so hopefully he "sees" me next year. So basically, in short, what actions can i take and what can i do to get him to like me again?

Im addicted to a medicine spasmo proxyvon. How do i quit it? Whom should i talk to? I live in blore.?

ive been taking dis drug for almost 5 years and my average dose is 16 capsules daily(8 mor n 8 eve). Ive grown really weak and i don have money to consult a good doctor. Plz help.

Is there any Dr's that can confirm that buprenorphine is 25x stronger than morphine. eg 25ml mor = 1ml bupe.?

milligram for milligram, not ml per ml---buprenorphine is considered approximately 30 times stronger than morphine in many of its effects

Which is better a 15 powered by an amp or 2 15s sharing that power?

I am putting together a sub setup, with 2 subs 1000 w rms to a 1000 watt amp. Would it be more efficient/ clearer to have just a single sub being powered by the amp or would it take more power to sound ratio or sound mor distorted

How is my story so far?

Um okay...first of all I have no clue what is seem to be trying to use overly large words in some sentences that don't fit with the style you use in the rest of it...i think you should probably review this idea....or at least the way your going about writing it

Why don't my cheats work in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3?

I follow the instructions, i rename the guests like I'm supposed to and i sit back and watch as absolutely nothing happens at all. The Melanie Warn cheat doesn't work nor does the Sam Denny or John Roach cheats. This is frustrating and the game is getting unbearably hard. Please help me if you know anything.

Help with identifying bug?

Yesterday I was on my ps3 and I noticed this bug on the wall. It was kind of longish, brown, and had 2 antennas. My sister thought it was a flying bug but I wasn't so sure because even when I poked it with the broom handle to see if it would fly, it just stayed there. It kinda reminded me of a roach, and now I'm freaked out because HATE bugs, and roaches are just dirty and disgusting, and they carry diseases. The only bug I actually like are spiders. My house isn't even dirty, it's fairly clean, but we went on vacation for a whole week so we have to clean again soon. Oh, also, there's in opening in the window next to my air conditioner, so could it have gotten in from outside? Anyway, is it really a cockraoch or just a bug that resembles a raoch?

Can a horse just develop a roach back?

I just saw a horse I sold and it has been a year now since I have seen her last, when I saw her I noticed her back looked like it was roach backed. When I owned her, her back did NOT look like this. So can a horse develop a roach back?

Many people said their baby bearded dragon eat like 30+ crickets a day. Mine only eats like 2! somethin wrong?

My baby beardie is about 6 or 6 and a half inches long. I feed her in the mornings and evenings. She only eats one per session. then she might eat some lettuce. is something wrong? are the crickets too big? their about the length between her eyes maybe 2 or 3 centimeters bigger. maybe even 1 but their not tooo large. She has two heat lamps and shes getting a 10.0 reptisun uvb light on the 23rd(experts said itd be ok if she didnt have it for 9 days.....i feel bad that hers broke and that the pet store wudnt take it bk, or refund. i didnt hav any mor cash when it happened) She closes one eye and keeps the other eye open sometimes. She did it so i gave her a bath, wash out whatever was in her eye. she stopped. then when i tried to feed her (after i read the 30+ crickets) she closed it again and wudnt eat. ppl said tht she wud starve only on 5 crickets and im feeding her 2!!!! HELP! She poops so i dont think the crickets r too big. if they were too big shed get impacted and wudnt poop, right? she poops sometimes 1-3 times in a 3 day period

I think i have mental problems?

well you see, i dont realy have an eating disorder but it pains me to go over 100 pounds im 12 and 96 currently, but i just keep thinking just 4 more pounds....i checked my bmi and it was 17. but i couldnt help putting in a feww mor 9's and making it morbedly obese i just feel dizzy and plese donnt yell at me. but i just look up 100 worst foods and stuff...plese help me bbefore i kill myself...I DONT WANNA GAIN ANYTHING!!

Have you ever hit a walk-off hit?

Yeah. Little league. We wear down by 1 and I came up. I was batting 7th so no one was expecting me to doing anything big. There was a guy on 1st and and 2nd the pitcher threw a hanging curve and I ripped it down the 3rd base line for a 2 out triple. The crowd cheered and my team was doing one of those thing the guys in the majors do when they hit a walk off homer and you get pummeled at home.

Since WM is most likely going to have a musical guest who...?

justin bieber is probably favourites than all of them put together because wwe and bieber love attracting little kids, so its reasonable if its him

I can't remember what this movie is called?

In the beginning there is a woman trapped in a room with a window and shes tied down.Then you see a guy outside when a zombie virus breaks out and zombies are attacking the building. There are gunners up above shooting the zombies. The woman trapped in the room sees a zombie outside the window that keeps running into the glass. I don't know if this is completely accurate but its all I can remember.

Will you c/c my silly poetry?

haha I enjoyed reading it, it flows well and has rhythm and is creative. May not be the 'deepest' poem ever but I don't think that was the point :P May I ask what inspired this little poem?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Can i sue my landlord for roaches in my apt?

Okay. So I moved in my apt 2 months ago. I was desperate for finding a new apt so the manager of my apt building accepted my application and I moved in my apt right away. Turns out the same night when I moved in I noticed 3 roaches in the kitchen, I didn't mind so the next day I told the manager about it and they put a smog roaches spray in the kitchen which worked for like 1 day. Then I noticed more roaches when I woke up at night to get water. They were everywhere in the floor!!! I had raid so I killed 23!!! I told the manager and she said I need to buy a smogger. I'm a clean person and since I know I have this problem in my apartment I mop the floor with clorox before I go to sleep and never leave dishes outside and make sure there's no trade of food anywhere, but regardless of how clean and careful I am they don't go away. So all the manager says is buy more sprays! What can I do? They don't see to care! Please help :( I also have two kids living with me and today they were eating on the kitchen table and 4 big rounded roaches appeared put of nowhere and one got on my daughter's plate. It's si disgusting.

Am i losing weight/stmach fat?

Im 14 5 8 144lbs well i think.ive ran for 30mins this past week uphill and lots of downhill alot this week and today when i woke up and sto9od up i touched my stomach and my stomach felt tighter in a good way as if i was losing some fat. I dont have that much but i would just like to have a flat stomach.I eat healthy and only drink water now.Am i losing stomach fat also i run at my trtack but mostly in my neighborhood.Theres tons of uphills well thats mostly what i run so do i burn mor calories by doing so? Thanks and im maintaining to a heaslthy diet & i also run track and starting XC next month.

Help me not binge? :/ ?

if you want to stop binging, you have to be aware of everything you eat. Try and only eat when you're hungry, and if you aren't hungry and you find yourself going in the fridge to get food, close it right away and do something else to keep you busy. Play a game, go for a walk, anything to do WITHOUT food. Or you aren't hungry but you just really want to eat, try chewing gum, or even crushed ice cubes, it keeps you busy.

Are Reebok, Adidas, or Winning good boxing gloves?

I see that Amir Khan wears Reebok. I don't know if anyone else wears Reebok. Helenius and Abraham look like they dig Adidas. Freddie Roach says Winning gloves are like mittens. However Saul Canelo Alvarez pummeled Rhodes with some Winning gloves pretty bad. Cleto Reyes and Grant get all the love...but what about these three I mention?

How can I get rid of house ants fast?

I have tiny black house ants that form large groups on the side of my cabinet, and little groups of ten that come around the sink and on the kitchen counters. Then there is a bunch hanging around the dishwasher. I do not know where they are coming from, and that is why I am all scared and worried about it. I am going on vacation in a week and I am going to be gone for a month. So I need to find a way to get rid of the critters without calling an exterminator. I tried Windex, and it kills them, but there is still more coming, I wash the counters down, doesn't work, ant/roach repellent, again, instantly kills but doesn't prevent. Please help, thank you.

Please help me find a song 10pts?

try limewire you should be able to get the song once you download the software and type in its search engine

I like two guys at once , one of them is my bf . Whatt should i do?

Okay so ive liked this guyy for a longg timee noww nd hez liked me back for a long time now but he had a girlfriend for a few months while we liked eachother , so while he had a gf i liked this other guy too nd he also liked me back so i told my friend to tell him i like him and so he told her he wuz going to ask me out . Andd a feww days ago the guy with the gf came up to me and was like "i broke up with her" ever since then hes been trying to kiss me and i was Planning yesterday after skool i would kiss him but then . . . The other guy that i liked came up to me and asked me outt . Now im in between the two of them and their friends too btw. I reallyy do not no what to do because i kinda like the guy who broke up with his gf mor bu i dont want to break up with my bf because of that cuz i obviously like him too . Whatt shouldd i do ?!?! ): i needd advicee . . . :/

I think i have mental problems?

well you see, i dont realy have an eating disorder but it pains me to go over 100 pounds im 12 and 96 currently, but i just keep thinking just 4 more pounds....i checked my bmi and it was 17. but i couldnt help putting in a feww mor 9's and making it morbedly obese i just feel dizzy and plese donnt yell at me. but i just look up 100 worst foods and stuff...plese help me bbefore i kill myself...I DONT WANNA GAIN ANYTHING!!

Should I just quit trying with this guy?

I have been seeing this guy for about 3 months now. I can't tell if he really likes me because he is so wishy washy. If Im sick he will come over to check on me even came to the hospital when i was in the er ...(it was minor dehydration ). He replies to all my text and we talk on the phone daily and ive spent the night at his place a few times. We have hugged and kissed but nothing more. Ive met his parents and his close friends but he seems scared to make a move on me for some reason. Ive done all I can do to drop hints that I like him . We are both off on weekends and last night Im thinking he would ask me over but no he's watching Game of Thrones . Ok if thats mor important than hanging out with me ....whatever . Its like one day he is interested and the other he's being distant . Im 35 and he is 40 ....Im thinking that is to old to be playing games .

Cockroaches are ruining my summer ! what should i do ?

if you are talking about the large outdoor roaches, make sure the weather stripping to the doors are tight, windows seal well and no holes under the sinks where the pipes are...treating the exterior with a residual insecticide will keep their numbers down outside.

Keeping a house clean?

No kidding, you're going to have to move out. That place sounds like a serious health risk. Your flatmates might clean up once every so often, but if they've let it get into that state once, then you can guarantee that they will let it happen again. Yuck, I'm all itchy even thinking about that place

Is it possible to hole punch a silicone phone case?

For sure either heat up something the same size as hole u need and burn it thru or a hole punch at any hardware store good luck

Why do I have such a serious German Roach Infestation in my house?

I have been going through 1 can of Raid per month for the past few months and I am still looking at German Roaches in my house, mostly the kitchen, both babies and adult ones, I'm going to try 2 or 3 cans of Raid per month now see if that will get rid of them, why does it seem like an unlimited army of cockroaches, I keep killing and there's always more to kill.

What Color Tie, pants, and shoes would go with a Black with thin Red stripes Long sleeves shirt?

I recently got a black long sleeve shirt that had thin red downward stripes for it's detail. I don't know what to wear with it. I was hoping that I could wear it for a formal occasion with the tie and everything.

How much time does it take to heal middle fingers hairline fracture?

i had an accident 2 weeks ago and my second finger on right hand got swollen and i could not move it. on showing the doctor he tied my middle finger and now he said that i should remove it now. but i have pain in bending my fingers they are not bending to the fullest.what should i do know.?and how much time it will take to heal?

What are some good nicknames for my name?

My name is Marilyn Morgan Knott. Give me some good nicknames for my name, but nothing like moe or morgie or mor that sound cheezy. lol! thanks :)

HELP computer screen flickering - laptop?

hey there...i have an asus g72gx, i bought it open box about a year ago. i paid 600 dollars. there's been a progressive and persistent problem though, as the screen flickers and sometimes blacks out completely. i have geek squad black tie protection, but they have been nothing but problems in the past. some days i'll go without having any problems with the flickering then others its terrible. something that does help is pressing and pinching on the screen. thanks for the advice!

How do i eliminate cockroaches in my house?!?

Me and my family have lived in this apartment for 3 years and have never seen a big roach in it up until last week in my bathroom then my room yesterday by the kitchen door and today one fell from the bathroom fan it was so scary! Why the sudden outbreak!? We always keep the house clean because i somehow developed a phobia(huge fear) for the fat roaches PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!

What to do about friends?

ok, so i belonged to a group of friends and we got in a fight and theyre all still friends but im not. so i obvously i had to find new ones so theyre were 2 groups that i started hanging out with but im still not like in their group and i feel sad and lonly ALL the time. one group all the girls are gorgeoussss and we have had sleepovers but idk i just dont feel like i fit in since im mor spazy and crap. the other group they all go to church together and i have been to their church with them and i LOVED it but my mom wants us to stay at the one we are at now. its kinda like if u go to that church youre all bffs and ur in the group...but im not not. ik its confuzing! im going into highschool and im on the cheer team and i made some friends from there but i just realllly wanna be in the group of the church girls and idk how! oh and please dont say not to be friends with the church girls because there the nicest people ever but idk what to do PLEASE HELP! thanks<3 :) (sorry abt the spelling errors :/)

Composer of a certain setting of "Ubi Caritas Et Amor"?

The only other setting of 'Ubi caritas' I know which has won any currency to speak of is that by Lennox Berkeley, but the opening doesn't fit your description.

Fetishes; what are yours? craziest one gets 10 points.?

cookies and milk before bed, watching my dog scratch his face with his foot, having my heartbeat virtually stopped for 9.3256879 seconds and eating snake fangs with venom as a drink and human fingers as a side. :D

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to make my text more flirty(GIRLS OR BOYS REALY ANYONES HELP WOULD BE COOL)?

K so i have been texting this cute girl. I dont want her to see me as a friend, i want her to see me as something more. Until know I have tried to break the ice and make her confortable when texting me. So now what can i tell her to make it a bit mor flirty.

Why would p0410 code cause a p0440 code?

Awhile back, I got these two codes and advance scanned my computer and said p0440 was tied into p0410. I replaced the air pump and the new hose assembly. The pump works fine but these two codes came back. i think its the 2 check valves but im not sure. ITS NOT THE GAS CAP! What would cause the 2ndary injection system malfunction to make an evap system malfunction?

How much does the 2 paragraphs and critical lens essay count on the english regnets?

Go on the NYS regents website and look at the curve. Q. 26, 27, and 28 are out of 10. Look at the curve.

Which forgien language has mor scope in banking sector?

ok judging by your atrocious spelling, I will assume that the 'forien language' with 'mor scope' would be English as it must be foreign to you.

Lower back pain because of an arched back?

this may sound odd but im going to throw it out there that could be a symptom of chlamydia. or kidney problems from dehydration

Ana Julaton, the current women's P4p no.1 and undisputed champion, another pride of the Philippines?

Ana Julaton is on many's list as no.1 p4p fighter in women's boxing. She is Filipino American like Nonito Donaire and was trained by Roach and now trained by Donaire Sr. She is the current best fighter in the women's division. She is joining the ranks with Pacquiao also no.1 and Donaire No.3 in the men's division. How much has Filipinos really embraced boxing and how important is Filipino contribution to boxing before and even now?

How do I tell my best friend, in a polite way, she can't come over my new condo cause of her cockroaches?!?

My bestfriend lives in a cockroach invested apartment! Their are baby, mini, small, medium, and large cockroaches. It's so bad, her boyfriend told me they come out of the faucets at night. She has 3yr and 7month old children. How do I tell her in a polite way that she can't come over my new condo that I just bought? Her landlords have sprayed 3 times but her whole complex is infested. She's gonna move when the lease is over. I'm so worried, she's been my best friend for 15 years and I've never had to face a problem like this. I heard roaches and their eggs can travel in diaper bags and babyseats. What do I do!!?? Please please help etiquette people!

I just passed out for the first time and I'm tripping out?

So I was cutting a pen with some little blade and it was kinda hard to cut so I applied mor force but slipped and cut my thumb really bad.... Then blood rushed out and started to drip so I get to the restroom and more blood was rushing out and the next thing I know my head gets super light headed and I pass out I wake up 3 sec or so later and I try to get up but I'm twitching as I'm getting up so it was prettty awkard and soon after my brother rushes in and helps me up but my question is why did I faint and why did I twitch when I was trying to get up ??

How do I get rid of roaches?

Well I am 13 yrs old and I share a room with my 10 year old sis who is messy but I allways make her clean her mess. My family just moved into our new home on may 5. And just about an hour ago my sis and my cuzen just noticed a couple roaches or some type of bug in our room. We don't eat in here and when we first moved in our new room I can garuentee there was no roaches. Our closet has speical thingys built in that is just wood I wouldn't know how to explain it but I guess they are living under there. How can I get rid of them and how can I kill the eggs how much would this cost for my family since I don't have a job(and I promise you I want one) would cost them and what are the items we need to get

Where can I buy designer men's clothing cheap?

You know those outlet stores like TJ Maxx, Ross and so on? Are there any stores similar to shoe online for designer men's clothing? I am looking form brand names like Calvin Klein, Kate Moss, Nautica, Tommy Hilfiger and stuff like that. Men's ties, shirts, etc.

Out of energy-always lazy and sleepy?

a lot of people skip breakfast, take a light lunch, then a heavy dinner. this is the wrong way around, a good breakfast, decent lunch and a light supper, then not too much TV and they would sleep more soundly, making all the difference to energy levels.

How to call the Health Department on the Apartments I am currently at?

My situation is I have roaches and their multiplying like crazy now and my landlord refuses to do anything about it since I turned in my 30 day notice a week ago. Their are people walking around the apartments late at night looking into other tenants apartments for no reason. My son got shot with a BB gun in the parking lot recently as well. We do plan on moving but in the meantime don't want history to repeat itself with future tenants. What should we do?

Roach infestation issue?

i have a studio apartment and its infest with roaches. what should i do to get rid of them, should i get an exterminator or buy boric acid. and if i do get an exterminator how much would it cost. i live in los angeles.

Really, what do you think made it?

"In" etc to wear and have your Tie at School with just the thin part showing only ... why?

What are some songs or something that are good to learn?

ok so i have been taking lessons for three months and i cant afford to take lessons for another month and i have only a couple of lessons left. and my guitar teacher told me to thing of anything i want to learn or practice so we can get in as much as possible. so i was wondering if anyone knew of any good rock songs that i should ask to learn so i can get in as much learning as possible.i like rock and metal,newer bands like breaking benjamin,disturbed,papa roach,etc. that sorta stuff,but it doesnt have to be by those bands.just anything that will help me learn the most.

Can I irritate or keep away pesky roaches using chlorine?

Summer is here! And these critters are coming out. Killed a bunch and they still keep coming. Only at night though so they get me off guard. I don't have any professional type of insect killer. But, in the meantime can I use chlorine to ward them off or what can I do to get rid of them until I get something good to kill them? I want them out both inside/indoors and outside outdoors. FtW, there not the typical small brown roaches, they're the larger ones that have wings and fly and the big black redish ones. I'm so getting MAD!

What are some awesome rock bands?

I like music like Rise Against, Skillet, and Papa Roach, know any similar bands. Or just any bands that rock.

How to improve my basketball game over the summer?

I'm a year (2011-2012) I'll be a Sophmore. Right now i have a lot of talent and I was the leading freshman scorer in our conference and 9th leading scorer over all. But, I never really work on my game. I'm fine with shooting around but i never really do any drills. I want to improve a lot this summer. I want to become a much mor eknown player so I'm wondering if I should hire a trainer if that is neccessary or should I just work on my game by myself.

Question about cycling my tank?

i bought it almost 4 days ago and i didnt know u werent supposed to put fish in it the first day, so i did and then they died sadly, so i let the tank run til now, and for some reason the tank doesnt look like it has bacteria. cuz yesterday when my fish died there was bacteria and today there isnt. is that ok? because i did let the tank run. should i make it mor dirtier? or there is no need to? and if so how do i make it dirtier? i dont have fish in it anymore cuz i found out u werent suppose to by the way

Can I get out of early lease termination fee?

I resigned my lease at my apartment complex a few days ago. I am in what's called a student unit where I get cheaper rent and a utilities package. I recently found out I will no longer be attending school. I would like to end my lease. My original lease states that there is a $1020 termination fee. The real reason I want to leave is because my complex is infested with roaches(they live in the walls and won't budge) and I finally have gotten approved at a new complex. The thing that did it for me was seeing one crawl on my eight week olds bassinet. not that long ago. I have been trying to figure out if theres any way I can get out of this without as much of a fee. Should I just pay the $1000 and leave or should I stick it out another year. The fee is alot for me right now but I am just so concerned about my daughters health. The new lease does not actually start for another two months. But I resigned last month because that was policy. Thanks everyone

I have a VERY BAD roach problem anyone know how to get rid of them?

A LOT of home defense spray. hm also why not some sticky paper theyd get caught i n you could throw that away n keep doing till theyre gone.

Where can I buy a tie dye kit here in the Philippines?

I live in the Philippines and I really want to buy a tie dye kit. Like Jacquard, Duncan etc. Help please. :)

My german shepherd has had several ear infections?

as he has gotten older he has gotten ear infections (yeast usually) more and mor frequently. I've taken him to the vet over and over again where I usually pay at least 100 dollars. The infection will clear up but come back again. I'm so tired of spending that kind of money over and over! Does anyone have a home remenedy that will work?

Can you die of too much exercise?

My school is like police/firefighter/criminal justice and forensic science high school and im going in as a freshman this year, i wanna be in criminal justice but theres ALOT of exercises. im skinny , 14 and i weigh 103 . I eat alot of unhealthy foos but now im starting o wii fit and do exercise and eat mor e healthy. I think i may have to do push ups. Can i die from alot of thosw exercises? I really wanna be in that school but idk about the exercises :/

I hate this girl... well i know its not good to hate people... but ....?

she came to my school this year and.... from my point of view, she stole two of my best friend and now they are so much different then before they now swear a lot and speak in other language other than english around people who can't speak the language and they rarely talk to me now... she is loud, she just stays with them and more... i dont know there are mor reasons why i dont like her but im just not sure if i am right to hate her? coz now she also hates me and ignores me but in class we have together i sit with her coz of pity... i dont know i just really dont know im solonely and i cant concentrate with any school things and i've been crying nearly everyday and i also crying myself to leep... im so confused! please help

Is there a chance she will come back and what do you think I should do to try and get her back?

I have been in long term relationships my one relationship was 4 and half years long and it ended two years ago I loved that girl but it took me about a year and I was able to see I was better off with out her. After her I dated acouple girls, they werent any good for me either. I moved away got a new job, I changed everything in my life and I met someone who I fell head over heels for, and she felt the same for me..we worked together so at first we kept things low key and then she left the job and things got realy serious between her and i. I now have been dating her for 7 months and I allowed myself to fall inlove with her in a way I had never allowed myself before not even in my 5 year relationship. I loved every single thing about her and she did too about me but she was previously in a 15 year relationship where she was abused and she still had ties to this guy. He has manipulated her the entire time she has been with me and he called one day while we were laying in bed and she turned her phone off and said it was her dad when it was realy him calling about the car payment. So her and I got into a fight because I said I just wanted the truth no matter if it makes me mad or not. She admitted it was hard to let go of a 15 yr relationship and I told her then we cant be together and I let her go because I realized she was not over it but he did so many horrible things to her from beating her, belittling her, making her feel worthless, he sexual abused her, psychologically abused her and i asked her what she saw in him and she said she likes the way he sometimes makes her feel but yet she has a entire list of things she likes about me so how could he win?? I just want to know if anyone thinks i will ever get her back...i said she needs time to heal...but im afraid while trying to heal she will run back to him....what can i do i love her so much.....she says she hopes our story is like the notebook and after time apart we get back together....

How do i become a straight A student?

i want to become a straight A student Why?.. because guess what!? my dad gives me money for every A i get! not just that but.. i want better grades it's hard the work! right now i'm in 8th grade but soon to be in high school i really don't wanna bad job in the future and i actually wanna make money and live in a house and get a car so by that means i gotta get good grades and by that i gotta get a job then go to college to make more money plus i need good grades for college! and so on getting a college degree is importent for me cause if you enter for a job they'll mor eliekely pick you for the job before college you gotta get good grades in highschool so i need straight A's HELP! i actually do really hate school but i wanna suck it up and get good grades! i still will always think school is useless and a waste of my time! but thanks!!! (:

Can someone help me? i need advice?

im in love with my best friend and i understand and respect that she doesn't feel the same idc as long as she's my friend. Right now were not allowed to talk becuz of her parents becuz of my issues in the past. i used to yell at my friend and made her cry becuz of my jealousy and now it's been 5 months and i had near-death attempts of suicide cuz i just wanted the pain to end cuz i can never forgive myself for what i did to her and she has forgiven me but i can't forgive myself. i hated and cried seeing the pain in her eyes everytime and i still do when i accidently reminisce. i let my anger get to me. she never deserved it andi'm not attention whore i just don't want to lose the close friendship that we've had i mean we used to cuddle on the bus and hug each other everyday. im gonna get to apologize it's just im nervous about doing it cuz i scared her parents as well when they found out about my almost death but an ex friend mentioned it to them and i never wanted that. I'm better than i used to be as in im mor in control with my anger. i just need some advice.

What would you do? husband seems to not to appriciate what I do for him?

I've cooked last night a good healthy lunch for my husband so he can bring to work and stop spending money on eating out day by day eating out adds up. I did not make a sandwitch I made wheat rice chicken and broccoli ... I was very happy to make this for him also this food was lunch for me and my daughter. The only thing I asked him to do is to let the food chill so its put away in the refrigerator he was up late so he claimed he would do it I went to bed because I felt very tired and I'm just now getting better from hepatits A... I wake up just now to find all the food on the counter and a roach on it... I am so angry at him ... what to do?

Girls please your attention:does she love me and why is she doing that?

Well, here is the story; me and this girl knew each other from childhood back in our home country, we both came to the states a while ago and resided diff states.i recently moved to the state she lives in MN, age i'm turning 24 n' she is 20..since we came to the states like 7 yrs ago we never spoke. she somehow got my number called me the other day and told me who she was and i was suprised because i havent heard from her for a while. she started calling and texting me regularly and asking me about my self.we text and call each other for about 2 weeks. i started texting and calling her mor than she does and gave her alot of attention.we arranged a date and saw a movie. that night was awesome we both had fun and probably saw each other for the first time almost 10 yrs. after two days she stoped texting and calling me.i text her and she jst replies after couple hrs.i only call her but she nver calls me and when ever i call her and we speak she's so sweet. OK here is the bottom line and what i confused; although we didnt mention to make any official relationship we both had the feeling that to get together. every time she texts me she adds at the end "lov" e.g c ya love. take care lov. how u doing lov. just stuff like that she keep adds love at the end. so does she love me and if so why did she stoped all the texting and cals she did.?thanjks

How much does it cost to have your ears pinned back in UK?

Im a 17 year old girl who has been bullied ever since primary school because of my ears. I can't tie my hair up because it looks ridicules. For a couple of months I've been stickying my ears back with double sided sticky tape because im trying everything to stick them back a bit but it's not working! Im not sure where to start with this. I can't afford to have this operation because I don't have any money and my parents can't afford it either so I'm not sure if I can get it free with the NHS at my age or what. Where do I start do I go to the doctors first and if yes then what the hell do I say?

Boxing Fans Can you Give me some of the best quotes Ali ever said throughout his career?

Remember this one.It was a commercial "I don't want you living with roaches! He was a master...

I am 5'7" and curvy. what is a healthy weight for me? ?

I have lost 35 pounds since the beginning of the year. People are really starting to notice. I have just been eatong right and going to football practice. I dont deprive myself. I still eat tasty cakes and chips occasionally. But not as much. I dont eat second helpings and try to keep it single servings. I am eating mor fruits and veggiea. I never really drank soda but i drink even more water now. My goal was originally 160lbs because a lot of the charts say that is even high. But lets just say I'm blessed with curves. I have DD breasts and a curvy butt. I am also somewhat muscular and I play semipro womens tackle football. I spend my days in the summer swimming and lifeguarding. I am just wondering if I should adjust my goal a little.

Yesterday I was playing a tennis tournament and when the ball was obviously going out but then I stopped it?

I need help with this court call I mean I have seen a segment called court calls and it said if it was going out obviously like 10 feet out it was your point anyways then the official came over and said well no matter where you are if you hit it it is his point and I said have you looked at the rules like maybe you should look at the rules to make sure. I mean I am in the Texas division and i was playing an open and I also lost that match in a super tie break so I need your help and MAKE SURE YOU KNOW FOR SURE BECAUSE I TOLD YOU I HAVE SEEN THIS RULE BEFORE.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

LADIES: Is this 7th grade shopping list too much?

300 bucks my ***'re in 7th grade. the victorias secret underwear isn't necessary. I still wore $7 5 pack underwear from walmart with the lady bugs and stuff when i was in 7th grade. 4 pairs of skinny jeans is fine not 5. no one will notice. all the shirts is very unnecessary. The dresses you can get later when you're doing school dances and stuff.

What do you think of that article 'Will Germany-China Ties Hurt the U.S.'?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Question about becnhing and weight lose?

first dont leave any websites ill report u... im trying to lose weight if there anything tht can peed up the weight lose i only need to lose 20 mor epounds will benching take the rest of the fat and turn it in too muscle and when i lose the weight how do i fill in my body to me biult and look good not bonney or not have a tone of upper body muscle how can i even my body out from neck to waist with muccle not all upper body i want to fill in were the fat was werre ur abs go to look good

B&A: I have a question about prologues and epilogues?

No, I don't think it's strange. I don't think they're connected at all - stories can have either, both, or neither.

Creepy Grasshopper thing?

Ok so i went out last night with my brother and sister and his GF.We saw this creepy weird grasshopper thing..Is was like a Spider,A roach,And a grasshopper all in one.It could fly too! We had a flash light and we were shining it around..We figured it was attracted to light.We don't know what it was,But we saw one before.The grasshopper thing had like two thin long legs up at the top,And two thick legs down toward the bottom.One of it's legs were bent too,Like it could hop.I tried to look up but hap no matches..I wanna know if can bite,Hurt you or do any harm to any human being in any way.We took a picture of the one we saw before.We didn't know what it was,And were scared to death.Please help! =)

I have my dogs pedegree line but im desperate to find pictures of his relatives where can i seach for them?

his direct grandparents on each side are, ALLOWAYWELL LEWIS, TINA GLAN Y MOR, HIRAETHOG KNOCKOUT AND HIRAETHOG KRACKER. ive found some pictures of his great great graet grand farthers FT CH AUGHACASLA SAM OF DRAKESHEAD, his son FT CH CRAIGHORN BRAKEN and another grandfarther FT CH TIBEA TOSH. if they have won a title its eaier to find pics but not all of them have won competitions help!!!!!!

Why are Salvadorians so controlling?

My husband and I lived with his family for awhile before we got our own place (thank God). His family seemed to think that my husband was their property. And they expected me to clean up everyone's mess. Its like they wanted me to be the slave of the house. Not only that but they were very racist and kept telling my husband to leave me for an Hispanic women because they 'take care' of their men. Basically, just because I wasn't slaving away they thought I wasn't taking care of him. I did used to clean but they did not seem to care that I did because not one of them said thank you and they would make it a mess again and expect me to clean it. After awhile I just decided that I wasn't going to put up with their bullshit. They don't seem to like it when you tell them no because after that they started taking it out on my husband and trying to make him feel bad and put him against me. I got him to realize that it was not me but them. They would say that I was 'too skinny' when I am 128lbs and 5'4" when is in my weight range. I just don't understand how people can be so cruel. Its like they want control of else they will make your life a living hell which is what they did. I would complain that they should be more clean because they wouldn't flush the toilet and they would throw their toilet paper in the trash can. I can not believe how disgusting they were. Also they don't put there food away because its left out all night and the roaches would walk all over it and his mom would still reheat it and expect us to eat it. NO WAY! That is disgusting. His father seemed to believe women were supposed to ALWAYS cook. Sometimes my husband would want to cook and his father would yell at him and say, "What are you doing?! Your women should be cooking." Wtf?? That man has never lifted a finger in his life. He does not know how to do anything because his wife always does everything for him. He would always give me this cold stare. I would try to talk to him but he would look at me like I was crazy. So I stopped talking to him but then he would say that I was rude. Its like his entire family was crazy. His sister seemed to hate me because I was thinner than her and she was upset because they were always stuffing her and she was raised to not refuse food. Its so sad...I tried so hard to like them and to be nice to them but they seemed to just want to make our lives miserable. I'm not saying all Salvodorians are like this but why are some like this? Right now we haven't spoken to them in over a year. Everytime they call my husband they seem to only want one They say, "Its your responsibility to take care of us." That so sad that they think that he is 'supposed' to take care of them his entire life. He has given them so much money in the past and when he finally stopped and realized what they were doing and that it was all they cared about he knew what he had to do. To get out of there and to finally live his own life. Not the life they wanted him to live.