Sunday, July 17, 2011

Why wont psychiatrists/ psychotherapists/therapists/do… help me?

i was wondering if anyone could clarify this for me. just over a year ago i was diagnosed with a serious depression , i had been trying to explain this since it started when i was twelve and i first started to fall deep into this bottomless pit. please,im begging you, imploring you even not to lose interest and decide that im a silly little teenager with hormones flying here ,there and everywhere like so many people have already ; i believe this to be the reason my diagnosis was not made for four years.Since i first found myself in the claw-like grip of this illness i have seen nine therapists/ psychiatrists/ pyschoanalysts/ pyschotherapists/ mental health nurses/ mental health doctors (whatever you want to call them- people who sit in a chair and expect me to cry and talk for an hour) , excluding obviously the brief encounters when i commited myself to a&e for an emergency assement. personnaly if find this excessive. every time i am ushered to another therapist (or whatever their title is ) i spend a few months to a year working with them before finding myself transferred to someone else and needing to start afresh.twice in the year i have spoken to my general practitioner and the current therapist and asked if more drastic measures could be taken to avoid any harm to myself or, mor importantly, others such as medication or hospitalization . their respose? have a guess:more therapy! Im detecting a pattern here, is anyone else?. I have attempted to take my own life five times already ( hanging, asphixiation, alcohhol poisoning and overdose (x2)) . I failed that many times - I will suceed eventually. I have quit school and all socializing as i have sunk to the point where living is too painful to do any more than barely exist. I have tried to beat this thing alone but i just cant .if i continue this way -simply being passed around from doctor to doctor i wont live to see my 18th birthday (nor, do i particulaarly want to). what i want to know is : i need to be prescribed antidepressants , i refuse to get them from the black market, do i have a right to demand treatment? proper treatment. as although living at the moment is more painful than sweet oblivion of death and i am not afraid : i dont want to die. can someone,anyone, tell me why wont they help me?

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