Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cockroach Infestation in Mac Air?

I just bought this MacBook Air, It doesn't have a optical drive built in and am not looking to buy the apple mainly for the price ($79.99). But any whom my co-worker said that I could borrow his, he lent me a LG Multi super drive, or something. But It didn't even work, so I set aside not next to my computer but right on top of my computer bag, I was just looking at it and noticed something weird on the crew holes, so I investigated further, and it was a dead roach, It must have been old because it was dried out and flaky, so of course I began to over obsess over my brand new mac air. So then I went to check the USB cords on the LG drive itself and noticed there was something brownish in it, i moved it around with a toothpick and I'm not sure what it was but it was soft. I then immediately checked my USB ports and there was no residue or anything that made me think that there is a problem. But know I'm paranoid that there are roaches growing in my mac, and feel like any day now my computer is going to just die, can anyone help me? Is my computer infested, even though there are no visible signs?

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