Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What does it mean? Weird dreams!?

OK I'm not a pro at this, but I'll give you my analysis. First of all, this "heroic monstrous being" seems like some sort of mythological god, the fact that he is standing on the end of a cliff surveying the world gives him some sort of "guard" or "watcher" quality. I'm assuming the "innocent boy" represents you, or at least a decent part of your personality. Often in dreams our subconscious mind will express repressed thoughts, desires, or emotions we may experience during our waking hours. This innocent boy couldn't resist the temptation of these 3 girls/women, to me this says clearly that you're denying certain emotions (possibly sexual ones) in your life. Maybe you feel guilty or "dirty" about expressing this side of yourself, that's why you dreamed up this god-like "watcher" observing your every move. When you say explicit I assume you mean sexual. You dream of a "fall from grace" into this hot pink fog, so maybe you have guilt about expressing yourself sexually or being in a relationship with a girl. You said in a similar dream you meet a "minotaur boy" similar to yourself, same age etc. In my opinion he represents your "shadow" or "dark side". Have you ever seen the movie Fight Club? Brad Pitt is Edward Norton's "shadow". This doesn't mean he's evil or bad, just that he represents all of the emotions that you've repressed during your life. We all have a shadow, it's perfectly normal. The fact that you feel attracted to this minotaur boy could mean that there's part of you that wants to express these dark emotions, that you want to get to know your "dark side". The last dream you talk about is proof that there's nothing "dirty" or "bad" about exploring this side of yourself, in fact understanding sexuality and understanding the feminine energy is very positive. Maybe you live in an environment where women are not appreciated, or maybe your friends think of women just as objects. Point is, this dream is trying to tell you to understand your sexual desires and realize the beautiful nature of the feminine. Anyway just my views, I'm not a pro. Let me know what you think.

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