Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I need some advice for Runescape?

Yes, I need some help. Ppl I know have been lving to 60 and above in like 2 weeks. One guy I know got his range to 70 and made 67mil from pking...IN A WEEK!!!. Im a lv 86 and that sucks because this acc I made in 2006. I havent really played much bcuz something always blocks me from getting on the computer. Plus I suck at getting money. Only bcuz of scamming nowadays and helping out my friend. I havent trained in a while bcuz I dont know what to train on. So My question is what do I train on?? BTW im f2p now not p2p anymore :/. And I suck at wildy....although ppl have been outnumbering me. I use full rune but am going to use str potions and swordfish. My skills are att 71, str def con 70 how do i kill ppl and make money and what do i train on?? DONT SAY IM A NOOB CUZ IVE BEEN PLAYING SINCE 2001. DONT TELL ME TO QUIT CUZ IVE BEEN THERE AND DONE THAT. Dont say runescape is gay bcuz its everyones opinion, u cant tell me what to do with my life. SO ANYWAYS FOR F2P WHAT DO I TRAIN ON??? DONT SAY ROACHES.

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