Friday, July 15, 2011

Should I just quit trying with this guy?

I have been seeing this guy for about 3 months now. I can't tell if he really likes me because he is so wishy washy. If Im sick he will come over to check on me even came to the hospital when i was in the er ...(it was minor dehydration ). He replies to all my text and we talk on the phone daily and ive spent the night at his place a few times. We have hugged and kissed but nothing more. Ive met his parents and his close friends but he seems scared to make a move on me for some reason. Ive done all I can do to drop hints that I like him . We are both off on weekends and last night Im thinking he would ask me over but no he's watching Game of Thrones . Ok if thats mor important than hanging out with me ....whatever . Its like one day he is interested and the other he's being distant . Im 35 and he is 40 ....Im thinking that is to old to be playing games .

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