Thursday, July 14, 2011

Can I get out of early lease termination fee?

I resigned my lease at my apartment complex a few days ago. I am in what's called a student unit where I get cheaper rent and a utilities package. I recently found out I will no longer be attending school. I would like to end my lease. My original lease states that there is a $1020 termination fee. The real reason I want to leave is because my complex is infested with roaches(they live in the walls and won't budge) and I finally have gotten approved at a new complex. The thing that did it for me was seeing one crawl on my eight week olds bassinet. not that long ago. I have been trying to figure out if theres any way I can get out of this without as much of a fee. Should I just pay the $1000 and leave or should I stick it out another year. The fee is alot for me right now but I am just so concerned about my daughters health. The new lease does not actually start for another two months. But I resigned last month because that was policy. Thanks everyone

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