Monday, July 11, 2011

Do you think I have Anemia?

Okay, I starting to think I have anemia and quite frankly I hope to be wrong. But I really noticing it now, just th exhaustion of it. Okay I'm 13 so I'm at the age where it hits most. But Last night I was at a spend the night I got really tired quikly had massive headache and dizziness, couldn'y really balance well and just felt not good. It was aroung 10:30 I was in bed... at a sleep over. and I woke up at 9:15ish. So today, I went to my camp and literally slept all day. I got here around 1ish and around 2 I was asleep I woke up and about two hours later I was back asleep now I'm up again and is about to fall back asleep. So far my symptoms have been all the sy,mptoms of anemia... liek headaches, exhaustion, cramps in my legs sometimes but rarely. Even to the more rapid heart beat when I go out for a run or jog. Mor erapid than normal I mean. Oh and I also have Type 1 Juvenile Diabetes. My blood sugar had been high today, so am I just worrying too much or should I talk to someone?

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