Sunday, July 10, 2011

Girlfreind help ??? pleeaaassee?

ok me and my girlfreind got into a huge fight uesterday it wasnt really big but ok heres how it goes.. she tells me she hates this girl but shes always talkin to her so i go hows ur best freind and she says (meanwhile weve been arguin a litte for the past week) but says go **** ursefl you ****** *** hole im breaking up with you....... so i said w.e you stupid ******* **** go whore it up with your new **** fo a best freind and she told me to go away and then i felt bad :( and appologized but she said im bipolar kuz im always changin but she doenst get and i always tell her.... i cant stay mad at her for mor ethan a second :( and then we made up i guess. ........ i asked if shes still in love with me and still wants to be liek with me and she said i honestly dont know ....... to both quetsions....... i asked do you love me she said idk anymore...... i said do you even wanan date and she said wtf why would i wana breal up and i spent almost a day and a half tryin to get her to forgive me but she said she will never forgive me ever......... but idk i alwys say sorry but i really ment it this time and i need helo becouase ive known this girl since 4th grade she was my 1st gf then and then she moved and now were 15 and weve been datin for 9 months i dont wana loose her :( what can i do to make her forgive me :( and she also said that she will never be lovey dovey with me liek in other words ok my names nicholas and she knows i hate bein called nick but thats all she calls me now and says like nothing nice anymore i used to be like "watcha doin <3" and shes be liek talkin to my amazing and handsome husband........ even tho i know im fat and ugly and an asshoek she would still say it ........ but now when i say it all she says is.... "talkin to you? hbu? " and that hurts i needa knoe a way i can fix this kuz i dont wann loose her shes the one ive been ine 6 relations and she is the one :( and she is the 1st one to say i love you :(............ please help ive been legit so streesed because i know love at 15 is weird or w.e but im legit in love with this girl and she said well ....... used to say she was in love with me too :( help me please

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