Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Do you think Marano is an ugly surname?

What do you think of the name Marano? My half cousin comes from an Italian family and she hates her name with a passion. It's easy to pronounce - MAH-RAH-NO, but people pronounce it MOR-MONO and they always call her "moron" and make fun of her. Now she hates to be Italian (she's half Jewish) and is changing her name to Ehrlich, her mother's maiden name; she even denies her Italian ancestry now and dyed her hair blonde. She hates it so much that whenever someone says her last name, she says "Stop, that's disgusting and I'm changng that". I don't want to make her insecurities worse, but I don't think I like it either. I asked my Argentianian friend and he loves it. What do you think?

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